It's been forever! Please don't kill me :O I've been trying to do a thousand things and they've all be working out fine, but they've taken up a lot of time. Good news are/Han pasado siglos! Por favor no me maten :O He estado trantando de hacer un millon de cosas y todas han resultado bien pero han consumido harto de mi tiempo. Buenas noticias:
- My book's going great! Lots of editing and re-writing, but I not rushing it because I'm really happy with what I've changed :3
- I'm working online, teaching English, so it's been great to work from home and I've time to keep my house nice, see friends, work on the book, videos, and some 'me' time.
- I started reviewing books and series on YouTube! I'm super excited about this and so far I've had really good responses :) I've attached my first review on a book called "The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones" by Cassandra Clare. A series of the book just came out, "Shadowhunters", so I thought it might be interesting to start out with that. It's on Netflix!
- I'm participating in an online book club so I've been reading and analyzing "Jane Eyre" like crazy, but also making vids about it :D
- All in all.. busy, but happy!
Here's my vid! Feel free to like, comment and subscribe ;)
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