
Thursday, August 22, 2013


We were walking around my apartment, the one I'm getting May 2014, and it was night time. Outside it was as if the sky was upside down; countless lights illuminated the ground sky and it was fairly silent, considering the cars that were passing by. There was nothing quite interesting that night, A-- and I were just talking and drinking something hot, surely not tea for A--, but perhaps for me, and all was well. I was just beginning to think about how wonderful it felt to be living in my own apartment with my most loved one when the dream changed.

The ground began to move, the lights went out and back on until there was complete darkness. The sound was the absence of sound at first, then a never ending rumbling and the furniture dancing and jumping about. I had dropped my cup, A-- too, and we reached out for each other in order to stay afoot, since all was so unstable that one would fall to the ground if you did not hang on to anything. The strangest and strongest shake happened in such a way that it felt as if we were spat out by the apartment.

We were falling, A-- and I, and everything was slow as it begun. He still hung on to my hand and as he did so, he pulled me towards him and held me in a tight embrace. He looked into my eyes, saying things to keep me calm, to try and make me feel safe. I tried not to look down as I felt a rush of speed, wind, vertigo and such fear that I have never faced in my life, but within it all, knowing that we were destined to die at the end of our fall, I felt happy to be in his arms, to know that even to the last minute we both could put aside our fear and hold each other, look at each, love each other before we were united in a deathly and forever binding embrace.

We plummeted against the ground, I saw it from the side of the street, how we fell as one and died as one, at the feet of my apartment on the 21st floor.

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